By: Nipate Hapa
It doesn’t take long before you hear someone asking for contacts of a good caterer, a dentist, a good children’s Doctor, a carpenter etc. There are thousands of potential clients looking for services everyday. But other than word of mouth, how do they easily find Service Providers they need without having to search the whole web and social media platforms?
If you are Service Provider, we recommend to get your business listed in a local business/service providers listing or directory that is simple, user friendly and well structured. This is a one stop shop for clients looking for services in your geographic area. Such a business/service provider listing helps them to know about the service providers in the area and how to easily reach them.
(Find Me Here) is a website that makes it possible for businesses and service providers in East Africa, to reach thousands of potential clients. Clients can even download a profile of the service providers they are interested in, directly from the website. Imagine! you don’t need to wait for potential clients to request for your short business profile – they already have it from Nipate Hapa.
It is simple and a hustle free type of marketing for service providers who are already pre-occupied with serving existing clients and improving their services.
Potential clients can only do business with businesses and service providers that are easily accessible. What are you waiting for? Register your business and services today with Nipate Hapa. Benefit from thousands looking for your services.
Remember to ask your clients to leave a review of your services on your business listed at Nipate Hapa. This is the digital equivalent of “word of mouth”.
What you need to Register your Services/Business in Nipate Hapa
- Business name
- Business Logo
- Brief description about your business/services (500 words)
- Physical Address
- Opening & Closing Hours
- Valid email address (personal/business)
How to register
- Using a browser go to
- Enter the password: listed
- Click on the 3 tiles (top right)
- Click on Login
- Click on Sign-Up
- Enter your Full Name, valid email, phone and password
- Click on Create Account
- You will receive an email from Nipate Hapa for verification
- In the email click on verify now
- The system will take you back to the main page, enter listed as the password and proceed with login in with your email and password you created.
- Click on “MY LISTINGS” button
- Click to add a new listing
- Fill in all the required fields in the form and submit
- We will approve your listing as soon as possible and you services/business will be live on Nipate Hapa for thousands to easily find you.